Psychoanalysis and Phenomenology (Einführung und Leitung des Workshops). 3rd RSS in Genetic Phenomenology: Experience and Life. Edmund Husserl´s “Experience and Judgment” in the light of Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis, 14.-21.08.2022, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warschau, Polen

Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, Jagna Brudzińska

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOral presentation at a conference

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Aug 2022
Event3rd RSS in Genetic Phenomenology: Experience and Life. Edmund Husserl's “Experience and Judgment” in the light of Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis - Polnische Akdademie der Wissenschaften, Warschau, Poland
Duration: 14 Aug 202221 Aug 2022


Conference3rd RSS in Genetic Phenomenology
Abbreviated titleExperience and Life

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