Expanding on Current Definitions of Hematologic Improvement in MDS, CMML and AML: Landmark Analyses of 1301 Patients Treated with Azacitidine in the Austrian Registry of Hypomethylating Agents By the AGMT-Study Group: American Society of Hematology, 61th Annual Meeting, scientific session

Lisa Pleyer, Michael Pfeilstocker, Reinhard Stauder, Sonja Heibl, Heinz Sill, Michael Girschikofsky, Margarete Stampfl-Mattersberger, Christoph Tinchon, Andreas Petzer, Clemens A. Schmitt, Sonia Vallet, Inga Mandac, Klaus Geissler, Wolfgang R. Sperr, Michael Leisch, Alexander Egle, Thomas Melchardt, Julia Fusinato, Gudrun Piringer, Armin ZebischSigrid Machherndl-Spandl, Dominik Wolf, Felix Keil, Richard Greil

Research output: Journal article (peer-reviewed)Conference contribution to journal


Background In myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML), achievement of morphologic complete response (CR) is a prerequisite for potential cure. In AML, CR is deemed the major outcome associated with improved overall survival (OS); patients (pts) without CR are considered non-responders, and hematologic improvement (HI) without bone marrow blast (BMB) clearance is considered treatment (trt) failure (Cheson 2003). Evidence suggests that these definitions may not be applicable to older pts treated with hypomethylating agents (HMA), and that achievement of CR may not be necessary for prolonged OS (Pleyer 2013, 2014, 2015; Schuh 2015; Bloomfield 2018).IWG response criteria for HI do not differentiate between pts who qualify for response (QFR) vs those that do not. Pts with 'normal' blood counts at trt start are per definition HI non-responders. This may obscure potential survival benefits of responding pts.Aims 1) Assess the impact of HI irrespective of BMB clearance and excluding immortal time bias via landmark analyses. 2) Differentiate between pts who QFR, and those with 'normal' baseline values (not-QFR) defined according to IWG prerequisites for CR. 3) Introduce 3 new categories of HI: peripheral blood blasts (PBB), elevated white blood cells (WBC), and PB-CR (defined as Hb ≥11 g/dl, ANC ≥1.0 G/l, WBC
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3821
Number of pages1
Issue numberSupplement_1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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