Projects per year
- 1 Similar Profiles
ALGOCARE: Algorithmic governance of care
Gallistl-Kassing, V. (CoPI), Lehner, K. (PhD Candidate), Kampel, M. (PI) & von Laufenberg, R. (CoPI)
Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
01.12.2021 → 30.11.2024
Project: Funded Research
AgeingAlgos: Expanding the Gerontological Imagination of Ageing with Algorithms
Gallistl-Kassing, V. (PI) & Lehner, K. (PhD Supervisor)
01.03.2023 → 01.03.2024
Project: Other Research
CLARA: CLARA - Centenarians in Lower Austria and the Communities of Longevity
Gallistl-Kassing, V. (PI), Kolland, F. (PI) & Lehner, K. (PhD Candidate)
Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ
01.11.2023 → 30.04.2025
Project: Funded Research
Waste/Land/Futures: Waste/Land/Futures: Intergenerational Relations in Places of Abandonment and Renewal Across Europe
Gallistl-Kassing, V. (CoPI), Ivan, L. (CoPI), Lovatt, M. (CoPI), Watkins, S. (CoPI), Depner, A. (PI), Lehner, K. (CoI) & Greber, V. (CoI)
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2028
Project: Funded Research
Research output
Vulnerability Assemblages: Situating Vulnerability in the Political Economy of Artificial Intelligence
Gallistl, V., Von Laufenberg, R. & Lehner, K., 28 Jul 2024, In: Socius. 10Research output: Journal article (peer-reviewed) › Journal article
Open Access1 Citation (Scopus) -
Co-creating research: Co-researchers’ parallel conversations from the project ‘SEVEN – Socially Excluded Older Adults: Voices and Experiences’
Gruber, C. & Lehner, K., 31 Oct 2023, Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Approaches in Ageing Research. Routledge, p. 365-372 8 p.Research output: Contribution to book/report/conference proceeding › Chapter in book/report
Open Access1 Citation (Scopus) -
Aktives Altern in der Pandemie? Ergebnisse einer Befragung in Niederösterreich
Lehner, K., Heidinger, T., Rohner, R. & Kolland, F., Apr 2022, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin.Research output: Other publication (non peer-reviewed) › Other publication (not peer-reviewed)
Alt sein in der Corona-Krise: Eine soziologische Perspektive auf Machtdynamiken
Kolland, F., Bohrn, K., Hengl, L. & Lehner, K., 2022, Imago Hominis.Research output: Other publication (non peer-reviewed) › Other publication (not peer-reviewed)
Covid-19 und aktives Altern: Forschungsbericht
Kolland, F., Heidinger, T., Lehner, K. & Gallistl, V., 2021, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften GmbH.Research output: Book/Report › Report