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NIMO-FC: Neurocognitive and Immunological Modulation of Functional Connectivity
Rothenberg, M. (PI)
01.02.2025 → 31.01.2026
Project: Forschungsimpulse › Research Time Out (RTO)
secondary metabolites: (Toxic) secondary metabolites of plants and filamentous fungi in food as potential contributors to psychosis
Visoka, Y. (PhD Candidate) & Aigner, M. (PhD Supervisor)
Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung NÖ
01.12.2024 → 30.11.2027
Project: Funded Research
Die Auswirkungen der Valenz von TV Serien auf die Stimmung: Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie bei Depression
Höflich, A. (PI)
01.06.2024 → 30.11.2025
Project: Forschungsimpulse › Seed Funding
The effects of valence of TV series on mood and depression: An exploratory randomised controlled trial with a clinical sample
Höflich, A. (PI), Mittmann, G. (CoI) & Steiner-Hofbauer, V. (CoI)
01.06.2024 → 30.11.2025
Project: Other Research
D&M: Depression und Mikrobiom
Aigner, M. (PI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Forschungsimpulse › Seed Funding
D&P: Wirksamkeit eines Probiotikums bei depressiver Symptomatik
Aigner, M. (PI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Forschungsimpulse › Seed Funding
ASP-belong: Augmented Social Play (ASP): smartphone-enabled group psychotherapeutic interventions that boost adolescent mental health by supporting real-world connection and sense of belonging
Rubeis, G. (CoPI), Schrank, B. (CoPI), Spahl, W. (CoI), Schwarz, C. G. (CoI) & Mittmann, G. (CoI)
Horizon Europe Framework Programme
01.09.2023 → 31.08.2027
Project: Funded Research