Projects per year
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PerCen NeKi: Personzentrierung aus der Angehörigenperspektive
Mayer, H. (PI), Wallner, M. (CoI) & Gschwenter, S. (CoI)
01.04.2023 → 31.03.2024
Project: Other Research
AgeingAlgos: Expanding the Gerontological Imagination of Ageing with Algorithms
Gallistl-Kassing, V. (PI) & Lehner, K. (PhD Supervisor)
01.03.2023 → 01.03.2024
Project: Other Research
Care4Caregivers: Care4Caregivers
Gallistl-Kassing, V. (CoPI) & Kolland, F. (CoI)
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2024
Project: Funded Research
EvAllesClara I : Alles Clara – Realist Evaluation Phase I
Mayer, H. (PI), Clement, T. (CoI) & Gabl, K. (CoI)
01.08.2022 → 31.01.2024
Project: Funded Research
Wohnmonitor22: Wohnmonitor Alter 2022
Kolland, F. (PI)
01.04.2022 → 31.12.2024
Project: Funded Research
Hochaltrigkeit: Aktiv und engagiert ins hohe Alter
Kolland, F. (PI)
01.04.2022 → 30.11.2022
Project: Contract Research
PerCen Acute: PerCen Acute - Person-Centered Care in the acute inpatient setting
Mayer, H. (PI), Gschwenter, S. (CoI), Valente Dos Santos Cartaxo, A. (CoI) & Wallner, M. (CoI)
01.01.2022 → 31.12.2023
Project: Other Research
MissCare Austria: Missed Nursing Care Austria
Valente Dos Santos Cartaxo, A. (PhD Candidate), Mayer, H. (PhD Supervisor) & Eberl, I. (PhD Supervisor)
01.12.2021 → 30.11.2023
Project: Other Research
ALGOCARE: Algorithmic governance of care
Gallistl-Kassing, V. (CoPI), Lehner, K. (PhD Candidate), Kampel, M. (PI) & von Laufenberg, R. (CoPI)
Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)
01.12.2021 → 30.11.2024
Project: Funded Research
PC-FITS: PC-FITS - Person Centredness for Digital Tools
Mayer, H. (PI) & Gabl, K. (CoI)
01.09.2021 → 29.02.2024
Project: Other Research
Health care personnel
Kolland, F. (PI)
NÖ Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds (NÖGUS)
01.05.2021 → 15.07.2021
Project: Funded Research
Leitlinie S1: Long Covid: Guideline S1: Long COVID: Diagnostics and treatment strategies
Rabady, S. (CoPI)
01.05.2021 → 30.07.2021
Project: Funded Research
Altersalmanach 2023: Age almanac 2023
Kolland, F. (PI)
01.05.2021 → 31.12.2024
Project: Funded Research
TheoMap: Pflegewissenschaftliche Theoriearbeit im deutsch-sprachigen Raum
Mayer, H. (CoI), Eppel-Meichlinger, J. (PI), Valente Dos Santos Cartaxo, A. (CoI), Wallner, M. (CoI), Clement, T. (CoI) & Hirt, J. (CoI)
01.04.2021 → 31.07.2023
Project: Other Research
Covid-19 Aktives Altern: Covid-19 Active aging
Kolland, F. (PI)
01.12.2020 → 30.09.2023
Project: Funded Research
Kolland, F. (PI), Heidinger, T. (CoI) & Partner, P. (CoPI)
15.07.2020 → 31.12.2022
Project: Funded Research
Covid-19 and social distancing in old age
Richter, L. (CoI), Kolland, F. (PI), Heidinger, T. (CoI) & Richter, L. (CoI)
01.04.2020 → 31.07.2020
Project: Funded Research
Healthy Ageing
Kolland, F. (PI)
NÖ Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds (NÖGUS)
01.03.2019 → 28.12.2022
Project: Funded Research
Clinical Ethics Consulting
Kemetmüller, E. (PI)
NÖ Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds (NÖGUS)
01.02.2017 → 31.08.2018
Project: Funded Research
Kemetmüller, E. (PI)
NÖ Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds (NÖGUS)
01.01.2017 → 31.08.2018
Project: Funded Research