High-resolution local trabecular strain within trabecular structure under cyclic loading

Dieter H Pahr, Nedaa Amraish

Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift (peer-reviewed)Artikel in Fachzeitschrift


Trabecular bone structure is a complex microstructure consisting of rods and plates, which poses challenges for its mechanical characterization. Digital image correlation (DIC) offers the possibility to characterize the strain response on the surface of trabecular bone. This study employed DIC equipped with a telecentric lens to investigate the strain state of individual trabeculae within their trabecular structure by assessing the longitudinal strain of the trabeculae at both the middle and near the edges of the trabeculae. Due to the high-resolution of the used DIC system, local surface strain of trabeculae was analyzed too. Lastly, the correlation between longitudinal trabecular strain and the orientation and slenderness of the trabeculae was investigated. The results showed that the strain magnification close to the edge of the trabeculae was higher and reached up to 8-folds the strain along the middle of the trabeculae. On the contrary, no strain magnification was found for most of the trabeculae between the longitudinal trabecular strain along the middle of the trabeculae and the globally applied strain. High-resolution full-field strain maps were obtained on the surface of trabeculae showing heterogeneous strain distribution with increasing load. No significant correlation was found between longitudinal trabecular strain and its orientation or slenderness. These findings and the applied methodology can be used to broaden our understanding of the deformation mechanisms of trabeculae within the trabecular network.

FachzeitschriftJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Apr. 2024


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