Femoral strength can be predicted from 2D projections using a 3D statistical deformation and texture model with finite element analysis

Lukas Steiner, Alexander Synek, Dieter H Pahr

Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift (peer-reviewed)Artikel in Fachzeitschrift

7 Zitate (Scopus)


Ultimate force of the proximal human femur can be predicted using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), but the models rely on 3D computed tomography images. Landmark-based statistical appearance models (SAM) and B-Spline transformation-based statistical deformation models (SDM) have been used to estimate 3D images from 2D projections, which facilitates model generation and reduces the radiation dose. However, there is no literature on the accuracy of SDM-based FEA models of bones with respect to experimental results. In this study, a methodology for an enhanced SDM with textural information is presented. The statistical deformation and texture models (SDTMs) are based on a set of 37 quantitative CT (QCT) images. They were used to estimate 3D images from two or one projections of the set in a leave-one-out setup. These estimations where then used to create FEA models. The ultimate force predicted by FEA models estimated from two or one projection using the SDTMs were compared to the experimental ultimate force from a previous study on the same femora and to the results of standard QCT-based FEA models. High correlations between predictions and experimental measurements were found for FEA models reconstructed from 2D projections with R2=0.835 when based on two projections and R2=0.724 when using one projection. The correlations were comparable to those reached with standard QCT-based FE-models with the experimental results (R2=0.795). This study shows the high potential of SDTM-based 3D image reconstruction and FEA modelling from 2D projections to predict femoral ultimate force.

Seiten (von - bis)72-82
FachzeitschriftMedical Engineering and Physics
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juli 2021


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