Dating algorithms? Investigating the reciprocal relationships between partner choice FOMO, decision fatigue, excessive swiping, and trust in algorithms on dating apps

Alice Binder, Anja Stevic, Jörg Matthes, Marina F Thomas

Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift (peer-reviewed)Artikel in Fachzeitschrift


Dating apps have changed the way people establish contact with potential romantic partners. However, more and more dating apps use algorithms to keep their users’ engagement high. Studies suggest that trust in algorithms can shape offline dating experiences. We theorize that excessive swiping, driven by fear of missing out, predicts trust. We also explore the role of decision fatigue. Findings from a two-wave panel study with NTime2 = 521 young dating app users suggest that the fear of missing out on potential romantic partners was positively related to decision fatigue on dating apps. Moreover, excessive swiping and decision fatigue were positively related to trust in algorithms. No reciprocal effects of trust in algorithms on excessive swiping or decision fatigue were observed. It seems that trust in algorithms might present some kind of relief strategy for compulsive behaviors such as excessively swiping, or for negative feelings such as decision fatigue.

FachzeitschriftNew Media and Society
PublikationsstatusElektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung - Okt. 2024


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