Cox proportional hazards deep neural network identifies peripheral blood complete remission to be at least equivalent to morphologic complete remission in predicting outcomes of patients treated with azacitidine-A prospective cohort study by the AGMT

Lisa Pleyer, Marc Vaisband, Manuel Drost, Michael Pfeilstöcker, Reinhard Stauder, Sonja Heibl, Heinz Sill, Michael Girschikofsky, Margarete Stampfl-Mattersberger, Angelika Pichler, Bernd Hartmann, Andreas Petzer, Martin Schreder, Clemens A Schmitt, Sonia Vallet, Thomas Melchardt, Armin Zebisch, Petra Pichler, Nadja Zaborsky, Sigrid Machherndl-SpandlDominik Wolf, Felix Keil, Jan Hasenauer, Julian Larcher-Senn, Richard Greil

Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift (peer-reviewed)Artikel in Fachzeitschrift

1 Zitat (Scopus)
